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Number Matching MFA


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Number matching is a key security upgrade to traditional second factor notifications in Microsoft Authenticator.


Microsoft will begin to be enabled by default for all users starting February 27, 2023.

What to do ?

Nothing. No changes are required on your application or your Microsoft Authenticator mobile app.

What does it change ?

The login page and the approval will change as follows.

example for azure portal:

First, fill with your email (no change): img

Second, enter your password (no change): img

Third, open your Microsoft Authenticator mobile application, and enter the number displayed on the screen:

On your laptop: img

On your smartphone: verify if the location is correct:


If yes, enter the number. Otherwise, reject the approval (it will lock your account): img


Unlock my account

If you blocked your account by mistake (but you still have an active session on postIT):

  • access to [Request account unlock on tenant](Request account unlock on tenant) postIT item



Make sure it was a mistake. If an attacker has tried to hack your account, IAM will lock your account.


PostIT is configured to enforce MFA. If you haven't an active session, you will be not able to unlock your account by yourself. Read the following section to discover what to do.

If your account is locked; and you can't access to postIT. You need to contact (by phone, or using personal email address) your manager or a colleague, to ask him to follow the Request MFA reset for another user postIT item.



The support need to confirm your identity and the validity of your demand. Because, you should have limited access to your professional email address, support team will contact you by phone. Please, make sure your phone information are properly filled into workday; and be ready to answer your phone (even if the phone call comes from North America - we have support teams located here)